Din gandul bun de la Dumnezeu am simtit imboldul de a sprijini misiunile crestine ortodoxe din Africa dar si din orice alte tari ale lumii. Clerul si mirenii romani ortodocsi din diaspora sunt misionari crestini in comunitatile unde locuiesc.
Astfel, am realizat traducerea in engleza a primei brosuri a asociatiei noastre " Prima mea carte de rugaciuni si invataturi crestine ortodoxe".
Va rugam sa descarcati gratuit brosura format A6 (64 pag + 4 coperti) si sa o imprimati sau utilizati unde si cand este nevoie. Doamne ajuta sa fie cu mult folos!
Descarcati brosura " My family prayer book with orthodox teachings"
Cap. I Children's Prayers .. 4
Cap. II Prayers of teenagers and adults.. 18
Cap. III Orthodox Teachings .. 46
Translation from Romanian: Prof. Antoaneta Micu, Maria Rusu, Nicoleta Rusu
Association SOS "Support-Protection-Hope" Romania
Tel: 0040-784-212.682 /
In collaboration with Father Grigore Marchiș
With God's help, we edited this book to be useful to any child, young or adult person who wants to understand the mysteries of the ancestral Orthodox faith.
Jesus Christ, the Savior, is our best friend who loves us immeasurably at every moment, in good times and in bad times, in childhood and in old age, when we are sad or happy. He is present right next to us, although we do not see Him, but we can feel His help and comfort. And, if we sincerely ask Him, He will enable us to understand that God, the Father is like the Sun, then Jesus Christ, the Son is the Light of the world, and the Holy Spirit it is like the heat of the sun that "warms" our souls with love.
The book is dedicated to Christian people all over the world. In order to preserve the Christian and moral values, we need to orient the young generation towards the ancestral faith through prayer and good deeds, as Father Iustin Pârvu from Petru-Vodă Monastery, Neamţ, said.